Our transitional housing
Our village at Point England Road is owned by our Trust. We operate across four neighbouring properties, providing transitional housing for up to 54 people at any one time. At our Tripoli Road site, leased from Tāmaki Regeneration Company, we operate a purpose-built village providing transitional housing for up to 25 persons at any one time.

Our 12-week programme
- Offers individualised assessment, planning and social work support;
- Provides access to budgeting, medical and counselling services or CAB legal advice;
- Links whānau to support systems and government agencies;
- Helps with enrolling tamariki in early childhood education or school;
- Identifies education or employment aspirations/options, which may include a CV, a cover letter, an application, or a reference;
- Delivers life skills programmes, including parenting and relationship skills; cooking, shopping and budgeting skills; first aid, health and wellbeing; coping strategies; and how to prevent future homelessness;
- Provides personal recognition and self-care opportunities including whānau celebrations, a hairdressing service and donated clothing/body care products;
- Creates safe, hands-on, fun learning experiences with small and large animals;
- Assists whānau into warm, safe, appropriate and sustainable housing; and
- Offers ongoing advice and support, if needed.